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Annie Mole's, daily web log (blog) & “guide” to the London Underground
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Friday, January 17, 2003


Where do I know you from moment - London has 3 million people who travel on tube every day so it still amazes me when I bump into or see someone I know. I'm sure statisicians would say it isn't amazing as people you know tend to live or work near you, have similar lifestyles, therefore may be travelling at similar times etc etc, but out of all those people you still think...what are the chances of that happening?

Today I happened to be going home in a slightly different way so I left at Waterloo and was going up an escalator and on the parallel escalator going up too was a guy I used to work with called Robin Coates. Bumped into him at a New Media Awards ceremony last year as he was presenting an award and the compare (comic Never Mind the Buzzcocks TV presenter Bill Bryson) introduced him as an "anorak thief". Very quick and I was still giggling about it going through Waterloo mainline station to finish my journey.


Result. Got onto crowded Piccadilly Line at Glamoursmith (Hammersmith) stepped over feet and bags to stand precariously in the middle of the train, stood in front of someone who got off at the next stop. Seat in one stop. Hoorah.

Leaving at Piccadilly Circus there seemed to be an extraordinary amount of people reading their books whilst travelling up the escalator. It's top how you can sometimes get so engrossed in a book you simply can't put it down. It's bottom when you're so engrossed in it that you miss your stop. Has happened to me on a couple of occasions and gallyingly I can't even remember the books that caused me to do it.

EVENING - 16th January (confounded blog it became tomorrow while I was making this entry)

Left work quite late tonight as morning meeting took a lot out of my day. Couldn't really switch off so was making lots of notes and listening to Massive Attack on my mini-disk. Seemed you work well and got so into their dark miserable moody tones, found it indistinguishable from life on the tube.

MORNING - 16th January (confounded blog it became tomorrow while I was making this entry)

Presentation in King's Cross this morning so had to walk through the station to get out at the Thameslink exit. It's one of those really really long walks when you wonder when you are actually going to reach the exit, or simply find you've walked out and have crossed a different time zone. Changing lines at Monument has a similar effect.

busker though while I was doing my trek through the corridors. I really don't mind those buskers that are stationary and just sit in the corridors as it actually brightens up a boring walk. I do object to the ones that move from carriage to carriage as there's no escape from them and they're more in your face.

; Posted by annie mole Friday, January 17, 2003 Permalink COMMENT HERE